Steve Martin returns in the second Pink Panther due to release on February 6th. That's right, the movie that made "I would like to buy a hamburger" a comedic catch phrase back in 2006 is now back three years later. There's only one thing that's missing this time around: Beyonce is no longer Inspector Jacues Clouseau's partner in crime.
The Pink Panther 2
This story revolves around legendary treasures that are stolen, including...ready? THE PINK PANTHER DIAMOND. Clouseau is then assigned the job with a team of international detectives in charge of catching the thief and retrieving the stolen artifacts.
I've seen the first Pink Panther and thought it was a funny movie. I'm not particularly interested in paying 5 bucks to see this one at the theater, but for a late night movie rental in a few months, sure why not. What I amused me most about the first movie was the fact that Beyonce was in it and it gave the movie a nice touch, in my opinion. I only hope part 2 will gain as much success as the first.