So I've recently discovered that Justin Chatwin (known best for playing the son of Tom Cruise's character in "War of the Worlds" as well as the lead in "The Invisible") is going to take on the lead in upcoming movie "Dragonball Evolution".
When I read at imdb.com that Chatwin is to star in 20th Century Fox's live action film of the Japanese 1990s anime, Dragonball Z, I was shocked. I'm still shocked. I can't believe a studio is going to adapt an anime to an AMERICAN live-action film, AGAIN! This was already tried last May when Warner Bros created the live-action movie of "Speed Racer". And unfortunately I agreed to see that terrible, terrible movie. It was cheesy and down right queer. (I apologize to those who enjoyed it. I don't mean to offend you.)
I've seen Japanese live-action versions of animes and not gonna lie but, the Japanese do a hell of a lot better job at doing their adaptations than us. I'm guessing it's because they understand better what to do to capture the anime as a movie...and us, not so much. But an American adaptation of Dragonball Z...ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
I've seen videos on YouTube of clips of Dragonball Z and let's just say this: It's about a guy with crazy hair who yells "Ka-me-ha-me-ha" and a green alien lookin' guy who fights with the first guy over these "dragonballs". But WAIT! That's not all! Apparently this movie is filled with tons of fighting and martial arts. Well, as far as I'm concerned, that's the only part of the movie I'd be interested in - the stunts and martial arts.
Well anyway, enough of my flaming on a movie I haven't seen. I'm just strongly opionionated about this one. haha.
"Dragonball Evolution" comes out April 8th, 2009. It's not yet rated.
Click here to read a brief critique of the trailer and other comments.
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